It was a rainy Monday in North Texas and it made for great sleeping weather!
I usually have two mornings a week that I can stay in bed as long as I wish! Today was one of those days! I even took a nap this afternoon. Nothing better than sleeping with the door open to the sounds of rain!
I love our routine of sipping coffee and doing our reading together! We are well into Killing Jesus by Bill O'Reilly and are learning things we never really knew about the culture during the time Jesus was on earth.
Maddie was due for a new set of claw covers. She is a patient little kitty!!!
Last time she had pink covers! This time I opted for purple!
While I was cleaning out a cupboard in the kitchen, I found this cobalt blue tea jug.
Why put TEA in it when I can thread a strand of white lights through the opening??
While I did Pilate's - no more fancy yoga moves for me yet - Louis Dean was out in the kitchen cooking!
I LOVE his pot roast! He makes it with a gravy that just makes me want to take a piece of bread and sop up every drop! I waited to clean the kitchen until Louis Dean had the roast simmering.
I really don't mind this kind of Damage Control!!! He made enough to serve tomorrow night at art class!
The dining room was my room of choice to clean.
I love these dishes! I bought them back in 1983 after my house burned.
I didn't complete the place settings since tomorrow is ART DAY and I will have to move everything off the table!
I still have my feather trees on the buffet. They are just so pretty!
One more clean room under my belt!!
Jennifer Ortega
Is this not the cutest thing????
I think I will make these with the quads next week.
THIS week we will be finishing our fence post Bunny Rabbits!
I am such a believer in this!!!!
There is no way I want to be BORING!!!
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