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The Birthday Meme

Tish over at The Kat House tagged me with The Birthday Meme.

Here are the rules:

Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (month and day).

Write down three events, two births, one holiday and tag five friends.

There are five slots in the Birthday Meme. As you are tagged, you have to remove the name in the first slot and bump everyone up so that your name can be added to the bottom.

Three Events That Occurred on My Birthday
217 - Roman Emperor Caracalla is assassinated (and succeeded) by his Praetorian Guard prefect, Marcus Opellius Macrinus.

1820 - The Venus de Milo is discovered on the Aegean island of Melos.

2005 - Funeral of Pope John Paul II.

Two People Who Share My Birthday
1962 - Izzy Stradlin, American musician (Guns N' Roses).

1963 - Julian Lennon, English musician and singer (and God's own first-born son).

One Holiday Celebrated on My Birthday
Buddha's Birthday, the birthday of the Gautama Buddha. Traditionally celebrated in East Asia on the eighth day of the fourth month in the Chinese lunar calendar, is an official holiday in Hong Kong, Macau, and South Korea. The date varies from year to year in the Western (Gregorian) calendar.

Five People I'm Tagging

1. The Tomahawk Kid

2. Big Rab

3. Erica

4. Colin

5. Sho

Previous Participants

1 This is a miracle
2 Mariuca
3 Mike
4 Tish
5 Groanin' Jock

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