This weekend there will be a lot more swimming, Little Buddy is making loads of progress in the pool.
This weekend there just might be some crocheting, knitting too of course! I can't help myself I need to start this new sweater now.
This weekend there will be flowers to water and a garden to weed.
This weekend I am staying near and keeping a close eye on Max. He has taken a drastic turn this past week and can barely move on his hind legs. The vet has put him on steroids and pain pills, I am praying for a miracle but fear the worse is near.
This weekend I am taking it easy, I fear the medication I have been taking for my head has given me an ulcer. I have a lot pain in my upper abdomen but no other signs of anything. I read up on the side effects of the medication and ULCER was there in big capitols! I am nursing myself and taking things to make it heal up, and of course stopping the medication. Nothing they give me works to help my headaches, on one medication I was so spaced out I should not have been driving, my face has swelled on another, and now this. I am waiting approval for shots, but I had to go through all of this before they could be approved. So frustrating!
This weekend I plan on being with my furry boy and little boy, while my oldest is in Ohio and Mr. 19 does his own thing here at home.
I am working on Monday, a shortened day but a work day none the less. Very involved babies can't take a day off, if I can work them in I try my hardest.
What are your plans for this weekend?
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