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What I Did and Didn't Do Today

We woke before our six o'clock alarm this morning.  Papa Pea popped out of bed with me following.  Slowly.  Actually, I think with the advent of (slightly) warmer weather and more daylight, our bodies are eager to be up and going these days.  Usually.

My dear husband worked on pruning the fruit trees most of the day.  This morning I made a double batch of Cream of Tomato soup, baked a blueberry pie, made a plate of deviled eggs and then put together grilled cheese sandwiches (laced with slices of raw garlic) for lunch.  Chicken Mama and Gilligan were here to join us and all was declared tasty for our midday meal plus, due to the ample amounts of garlic, no vampires were spotted all day.

After lunch and a gazillion dishes, I headed out to the garden.  Got the mint bed cleaned, weeded and ready for the season.  No picture as now that the weeds have been eradicated, there's no greenery to be seen.  Yet.

Edged the asparagus patch and tilled up the soil between the rows.  It's not done yet, but it's getting there.

Got two cold frames mounted on two of the raised beds in order to warm up the soil before planting.  After planting, the cold frames will stay in place for a while.

Started work on the strawberry patch.

This is what the plants looked like before rough cleaning which means I pulled a rake lightly over the plants to remove most of the dead leaves.

And this is after the rough cleaning.  Next I'll go over each plant with scissors removing any remaining dead stems or leaves.

After I raked the old mulch off that was between the rows, guess what I found.  Patches of that blankety-blank quack grass that had already taken hold.  Grrr.

Now for what I didn't do today.  Because I was doing other things.  (Just had to take advantage of the gorgeous day -- temp up near 70 degrees!

I didn't pay bills.

Or reconcile my bank account or do my other "first of the month" stuff.

Or get more seedlings started.

Or do my weekly ironing.

Or clean eggs and store them away.

BUT, it's only 6:21 p.m. as I write so there's a chance some of the "Didn't Do's" may still get done.  Or may not.

Tomorrow, I'll post the picture taken today of the state of my raised garden beds to compare with the pictures of the past two months taken on the first of those months.

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