To help spread the word about this new MusiCards Blog among my baseball card blogging brethren, I'm running a contest.
UPDATE: The entry period is now over. Thanks to all who entered!
The winner of this contest will be able to choose a prize of one (1) of the below cards:
Here are the options up for grabs...
2003 Topps Retired Alan Trammell autograph
2004 Topps Retired Earl Weaver refractor autograph (/25)
2005 Topps Retired John Kruk autograph
Wade Boggs custom Simpsons card that he kindly signed through the mail
..and if autographs aren't your thing, there are a couple vintage oddballs in the mix to entice you..
1961 Morrell Meats Maury Wills
1975 Calbee (Japanese card) Sadaharu Oh
Again, winner picks 1 from the above lot. There's gotta be something there that you wouldn't mind fitting into your collection, right? If not, heck, pick something and trade it to somebody for something you would like! Or throw it on eBay for all I care. I'd say these are all around $20 cards, give or take.
Really easy to enter, all you have to do is read the intro Welcome post and comment on that post telling me:
- A favorite musical artist of yours who was active in 1991.**
- A favorite musical artist of yours who is active today.**
- (Optional) Any feedback for me regarding this MusiCards blog. What kind of stuff are you hoping to see here going forward?
** Don't have to be your all-time favorites or anything, and there's no wrong answers.. I'm just curious to get a feel for what music you guys like. If you want to list more than two, go ahead. And I'm flexible here in that if you simply don't listen to any bands active today, that's fine.
The entry period for the contest will be open from now until 10/10/2019 11:59 PM PDT. The eligible entrants will be randomized soon thereafter to select a winner. If we get 25+ unique entrants, I'll also do a drawing for a "second chance" bonus winner with the 5 cards that remain after the grand prize winner picks a card. And hey, if we get 40+ entrants, I'll find a third winner too.
You can get a bonus entry by pimping the blog and/or the contest on your blog or on Twitter or other social media platforms. Be sure to mention the URL so people can find it. To get your bonus entry, comment on this post with either a link to your post in question or the handle of your Twitter account from where you tweeted about it or whatever. (Retweeting on Twitter counts, but again, be sure to comment here with your username if you want the bonus entry.)
If you comment with your answer to the two bands on this post, well, ok... but you didn't follow the contest rules so it won't count. You've got to comment on the Welcome to the MusiCards Blog! post to be eligible. (..though the pimp bonus entry is still good if you mention it on either this post or that post, though I'd rather you share your pimp on this post, just for aesthetics.) Hope this isn't too confusing.
And don't be surprised if I give out a few bonus entries tied to comments on other posts while the entry period is open, so be sure to read new posts and don't be shy to chime in! The winner will be announced in a future post so be sure to keep an eye out to claim your prize if you win because I won't track you down.
Win or lose, I hope you end up digging the blog and click "follow", bookmark it, add it to your blogroll, or whatever it is that you do with the blogs you like to read. The goal is to get folks following along and get a little community going, sharing and reminiscing about the late 80s and early 90s. It's gonna be fun.
Thanks and good luck!
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