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The rescue of Maximus Flatulus : blood in the sand

Whilst the many smaller territories and kingdoms of the wider Ancient world have squabbled amongst themselves, a new power has started to arise in the West. In Magna Greeca the Romani have absorbed many of the local tribes. Starting from a small muddy swamp they have now become a power to be reckoned with. As such they have developed trade links across the Mediterranean. Running a strange system of Consul based centralised control they send diplomatic envoys to build their developing trade. Most successful and renowned of these is Maximus Flatulus, brother in law to consul Martinus Gaius Cookus.
Maximus Flatulus
Unfortunately spring storms frequently effect shipping in the eastern Mediterranean and only two months ago Maximus's ship had run aground on the unfriendly shores of Lycia ruled by the tyrant Darianus. The small force of soldiers who attended each diplomatic mission had been butchered and a sizeable ransom of the envoy's weight in gold demanded.
Whilst considering his options and attempting to console his sister and wife Martinus received the following parchment delivered by a dusty looking foreign fellow.
Thumping his fist on the table Martinus shouted for his generals he must get the army ready immediately, they would set sail at once.....Maximus Flatulus would not be left to die alone.

You will have to wait a week to find out what happens 😀This is the kind of madness you get stuck on a train to Birmingham!

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