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Big Wet Five: Past Lives, Stats Arrive

This is about the Big Wet, my postdiluvian Mothership hack setting thing.


Mothership has four stats: Speed, Strength, Intellect, and Combat. It also four saves—Body, Fear, Sanity, and Armor.

I'm cutting saves, I think. I'll figure something else out for armor, but the Big Wet is fundamentally less of a horror setting than Mothership, and I prefer to just make stats and saves the same thing anyway. Stress is probably getting slashed, too.

The current stats I'm think about for the Big Wet are:
  • Brain: your intellect, processing power, knowledge. Left and right brain both, really.
  • Nerves: your reaction speed, ranged combat abilities, fine motor control. Anything connected to your senses or nervous system.
  • Heart: your emotional sway, willpower, tenacity. More metaphorical than physical.
  • Lungs: your athletic talents, endurance, melee combat abilities. Anywhere oxygen flows.
I like these because A) they're good fleshy nouns with some zest, and B) they're a little more flexible and metaphorical and thought-provoking than just basic terms. 

They follow the same procedure as Mothership for determining them: roll 6d10 for each stat, down the line. Roll under that stat to succeed on a check. 

Wet, of course, is the fifth stat: it comprises your literal wetness, but also fatigue, weariness, exhaustion, and lack of will. 

(Eyes, Ears, Hands, Fingers, Bones, Face, Tongue, Liver, and Meat were all reject stats. They might get added in later. We'll see.) 


Mothership has classes, which give you your starting saves, a couple of skills, and one or two random abilities. I'm not super into them, to be honest, so instead the Big Wet's going to have a giant d100 list of "who you were when it was dry," which gives you some starting skills. Roll one of these at chargen.

Not all of these are equal. The basic weighting is that stats > free skills > selected skills, and a given background should have the equivalent of ~4 free skills, but the balancing is pretty loose. Embrace the inequality, to some degree.

Here's the list:
  1. Accountant
    +10 Brain, Mathematics, 2 skills
  2. Activist
    +5 Heart, Politics, Tactics, 2 skills
  3. Actor
    +20 Heart, Art, 2 skills
  4. Airline Pilot
    Driving, Piloting, Vehicle Specialization, 2 skills
  5. Architect
    +5 Brain, 3 skills
  6. Arms Dealer
    +5 Nerves, Bartering, Economics, Post-Collapse Markets, Fighting, Firearms, Ammunition Recycling
  7. Assassin
    +5 Lungs, +5 Nerves, Fighting, Firearms, Close-Quarters Combat, Weapon Specialization
  8. Astronaut
    +5 Brain, +5 Lungs, Mathematics, Physics, Diving
  9. Author
    Art, 3 skills
  10. Banker
    -10 Heart, Mathematics, Economics, 2 skills
  11. Barista
    +5 Nerves, +5 Lungs, 3 skills
  12. Bartender
    +5 Nerves, +5 Face, Coastwise, 2 skills
  13. Bodyguard
    +10 Lungs, Fighting, 2 skills
  14. Boxer
    +20 Lungs, Athletics, Fighting, Close-Quarter Combat
  15. Bus Driver
    Driving, Coastwise, 3 skills
  16. Caregiver
    +10 Heart, +10 Brain, 2 skills
  17. Carpenter
    +10 Nerves, +5 Lungs, Mechanical Repair, 1 skill
  18. Cashier
    +5 Lungs, +5 Heart, 3 skills
  19. Celebrity
    +10 Heart, +10 Lungs, 2 skills
  20. Chef
    +10 Nerves, +5 Brain, Agriculture, 1 skill
  21. Chemist
    +10 Brain, Chemistry, Explosives, 1 skill 
  22. Civil Servant
    +5 Brain, Politics, Administration, Governance, 1 skill
  23. Dancer
    +10 Lungs, Athletics, 2 skills
  24. Dentist
    +10 Brain, Biology, Medicine, Surgery
  25. Dietician
    +5 Brain, +5 Lungs, Agriculture, Biology, 1 skill
  26. Drug Dealer
    +5 Lungs, +5 Nerves, Bartering, Economics, Post-Collapse Markets
  27. Ecologist
    +10 Brain, Hydrology, Biology, Botany, Meteorology, Climatology, Neo-Ecology
  28. Economist
    +5 Brain, Bartering, Mathematics, Economics, 1 skill
  29. Editor
    +5 Brain, -5 Heart, Art, 3 skills
  30. Electrician
    +5 Brain, Mechanical Repair, Scavenging, 2 skills
  31. Engineer
    +5 Brain, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, 1 skills
  32. Farmer
    +10 Brain, Agriculture, Meteorology, Botany, Hunting
  33. Fast Food Worker
    +5 Lungs, +5 Heart, 3 skills
  34. Film Producer
    -5 Brain, Bartering, Politics, 3 skills
  35. Fisher
    +5 Lungs, +5 Nerves, +5 Brain, Biology, Hydrology, 1 skill
  36. Flight Attendant
    +5 Heart, +5 Nerves, 3 skills
  37. Forester
    +5 Lungs, +5 Brain, Biology, Botany, 2 skills
  38. Game Designer
    -5 Brain, -5 Heart, -5 Lungs, -5 Nerves
  39. Garbage Worker
    +5 Heart, +5 Lungs, Scavenging, 2 skills
  40. Geographer
    +10 Brain, History, Art, Hydrology, 1 skill
  41. Hairdresser
    +5 Heart, +5 Nerves, Art, 2 skills
  42. Historian
    +5 Brain, History, 2 skills
  43. Hunter
    +5 Lungs, +5 Nerves, Hunting, Firearms, 1 skill
  44. Illustrator
    +10 Nerves, +5 Heart, Art, 1 skills
  45. Influencer
    +10 Heart, +5 Lungs, Athletics, 1 skill
  46. Insurance Agent
    Bartering, 3 skills
  47. IT Tech
    +5 Brain, Mechanical Repair, Computers, 1 skill
  48. Jeweler
    +10 Nerves, Art, History, Bartering
  49. Journalist
    +5 Brain, +5 Heart, Coastwise, Art, 1 skill
  50. Lawyer
    +10 Brain, -5 Heart, History, Tactics, Philosophy, Ethics
  51. Librarian
    +20 Brain, History, Politics, Administration, Governance
  52. Linguist
    +10 Brain, 3 skills
  53. Locksmith
    +10 Nerves, +5 Brain, Breaking & Entering, Safecracking, 1 skill
  54. Magician
    +10 Nerves, 3 skills
  55. Marine
    +10 Lungs, +5 Nerves, Fighting, Firearms, Close-Quarters Combat, Amphibious Warfare
  56. Marine Biologist
    +10 Brain, Diving, Biology, Hydrology, Scuba, 1 skill
  57. Martial Artist
    +10 Lungs, Athletics, Fighting, Spirituality, Close-Quarters Combat, 1 skill
  58. Mason
    +5 Lungs, +5 Brain, Scavenging, 2 skills
  59. Mathematician
    +10 Brain, Mathematics, 2 skills
  60. Mechanic
    +5 Brain, +5 Nerves, Mechanical Repair, Driving, Jury Rigging
  61. Miner
    +10 Lungs, Scavenging, Urbex, 1 skill
  62. Musician
    +10 Heart, +5 Nerves, Art, 2 skills
  63. New-Age Guru
    +10 Heart, Spirituality, Theology, Apocalyptic Mysticism, 1 skill
  64. Nurse
    +5 Brain, +5 Heart, +Nerves, First Aid, Medicine
  65. Organized Criminal
    +5 Lungs, Breaking & Entering, Coastwise, Politics, 1 skill
  66. Painter
    +5 Nerves, Art, 3 skills
  67. Pharmacist
    +5 Brain, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, Pharmacology, 1 skill
  68. Police Officer
    -20 Heart, +5 Lungs, +5 Nerves, Fighting, Firearms, 2 skills
  69. Politician
    +5 Heart, +5 Brain, Politics, Tactics, 2 skills
  70. Priest
    +5 Heart, +5 Brain, Spirituality, Theology, 2 skills
  71. Private Eye
    +5 Nerves, +5 Brain, Fighting, Firearms, Scavenging, Hunting
  72. Psychologist
    +5 Brain, +5 Heart, Biology, Psychiatry, 2 skills
  73. Public Health Worker
    +5 Brain, +5 Heart, Biology, Agriculture, Hydrology, Politics, Administration
  74. QA Specialist
    +5 Brain, Mechanical Repair, Scavenging, 2 skills
  75. Rancher
    +5 Lungs, Hunting, Agriculture, 2 skills
  76. Realtor
    +5 Heart, Bartering, Breaking & Entering, 2 skills
  77. Receptionist
    +5 Heart, 3 skills
  78. Roustabout
    +5 Lungs, Scavenging, Urbex, 2 skills
  79. Sailor
    +5 Lungs, Hydrology, Athletics, Diving, 1 skill
  80. Salesperson
    +10 Heart, Bartering, 2 skills
  81. Sanitation Specialist
    +10 Brain, Biology, Medicine, Sanitation, 1 skill
  82. Schoolchild
    Scavenging, Fighting, Coastwise, Diving, 2 skills
  83. Sculptor
    +5 Nerves, +5 Lungs, Art, 2 skills
  84. Secretary
    +5 Brain, +5 Heart, Politics, Administration, 1 skill
  85. Singer
    +5 Lungs, +5 Heart, Art, 2 skills
  86. Social Media Manager
    +10 Heart, +5 Brain, Politics, Administration, 1 skill
  87. Spy
    +5 Nerves, +5 Heart, +5 Brain, Athletics, Fighting, Coastwise, Politics, Breaking & Entering
  88. Stripper
    +10 Lungs, +5 Heart, Art, Athletics, 1 skill
  89. Student
    4 skills
  90. Surgeon
    +5 Brain, +10 Nerves, First Aid, Medicine, Surgery
  91. Tailor
    +5 Nerves, Art, Scavenging, 2 skills
  92. Teacher
    +10 Heart, +5 Brain, +5 Lungs, Coastwise, Tactics, Command
  93. Thief
    +10 Nerves, Breaking & Entering, 2 skills
  94. Trucker
    +5 Lungs, +5 Nerves, Driving, Coastwise, 2 skills
  95. Trust Fund Kid
    -5 Heart, +5 Lungs, 2 skills
  96. Undertaker
    +5 Lungs, +5 Brain, Biology, First Aid, Scavenging, 1 skill
  97. Veterinarian
    +5 Heart, +5 Brain, +5 Nerves, Biology, First Aid, Medicine
  98. Weather Person
    +5 Brain, Hydrology, Meteorology, 2 skills
  99. Yoga Instructor
    +5 Lungs, +5 Nerves, Spirituality, Athletics, 1 skill
  100. Zoologist
    +5 Brain, +5 Lungs, Biology, Hunting, 1 skill
I'm sure there's a few more in here somewhere that I'm missing. Feel free to make your own, too. 


My semester is starting back up, so my time is reduced, but next on the docket are things like:
  • Dry Wonders, all of the artifacts and strange devices that you, as scavengers, are hunting for
  • Wet Vehicles, for land and sea (and both), and all of their stats and stuff
  • Flooded Wastes, and how you might run the over-land/sea procedures of the game
  • Wet Gear revised, since the last listing were slightly suspect
But yeah. Keep an eye out.

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