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Project To Do List

As summer draws to a close with the promise of cold and less clement weather soon on the horizon, I thought it a good time to document a to do list for the coming cold season. I was further inspired by this post from Confessions of a 40K Addict. Anything we can do as hobbyists to keep the hobby mojo going can't be a bad thing.  So that said, here's my list in no particular order...

Ordo Xenos:
  • Ordo Xenos Inquisitor and Retinue assembled and painted
  • Inquisitorial Land Raider Redeemer painted
  • Deathwatch Kill Team Cassius assembled and painted
  • Deathwatch Veteran squad and transport assembled and painted
  • Deathwatch Veteran squad and transport assembled and painted
  • Deathwatch Vanguard squad assembled and painted
  • Deathwatch Watch Captain assembled and painted
  • Deathwatch Corvus Darkstar assembled and painted
Red Hunters:
  • Red Hunters HQ assembled and painted
  • Red Hunters troop choice assembled and painted
  • Red Hunters troop choice assembled and painted
Dark Angels:
  • Dark Angels Nephilim Jetfighter assembled and painted
  • Dark Angels Assault Squad painted
  • Dark Angels 30K Heavy Support Squad (Missile Launchers) painted 
  • Dark Angels 30K Dreadnought Talon painted
  • Dark Angels 30K Predator painted
  • Dark Angels 30K Tactical squad assembled and painted  
Imperial Knights:
  • Freeblade Knight Paladin painted 
  • Determine plans for remaining knights still on sprues
  • Complete terrain project (6 buildings assembled and painted) 

So lots to look forward to!  I will come back to this post and update it regularly as progress is made so check back form time to time...

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

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