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the Whizzer and Chips Character Raids

Earlier today, Peter Gray posted about a very regular feature in Whizzer and Chips (the two in one comic), the character raid (after all, the Whizzer section and Chips section, while companion pages to the comic (as the following masthead shows), they were great rivals.
In the issue dated 30/9/72, a “Chip-Ite” character snuck into the pages of the “Whizzer” section
I always thought (in later years) that a “Chip-Ite” woud raid a “Whizz-Kid” page and vice-versa every week, but it wasn’t the case here.
Update: Andy Boal has contacted me in regards to the raids. This happened on regular basis (not weekly, mind but certainly on occasion) until around the mid 1980’s, which is when they raided each other until a major revamp put an end to the raiding, and had reduced into the weekly Sid Vs. Shiner pages by Jimmy Hansen and the readers pages (drawn by J. Edward Oliver ) which is when the comics two in one format came to an end.
In the issue dated 7/10/72, Shiner (the leader of the Chip-Ite’s) was gloating over the fact that their famous cat Ginger raided the Odd-Ball page. Below, I have Shiner’s page, his comments page, a Ginger’s Tum page, an Odd Ball page (which I had previously posted here, and sadly not the one where the raid took place, as I don’t have that issue yet. it’s here now.) and Sid’s (of “Sid’s Snake” page, the leader of the “Whizz-Kids”) reaction. NEW UPDATE: The comic which includes the raid by Ginger has now been added. see the image below.

Naturally, Sid was not going to let this lie down. The following week (14/10/72), Sid hinted that a raid would take place very soon. Below is Sid’s warning, and Sid’s original strip (from that same week)
Naturally, Shiner was ready. And the regular raids would continue right up until the mid 80’s (see update above.)

Now lets take a look at a raid in an annual, in this case, the Whizzer and Chips 1975 annual.

following on from the Whizzer and Chips character raids, this extended into the yearly annuals, but in this case, they raided each other

the following images were taken from my mobile phone, as I don’t want to damage the spine on the annual, trying to scan this on my scanner. I think I still would have had the same problems scanning the image (a slightly fuzzy image on the right hand side – in this case, it would have blurred the rival charcter on the image.
ay, on to the 1975 annual, I’ll start with the Chip-ite raid in the Whizzer pages.
Harry, of “Harry’s Haunted House” fame, invaded the “Slowcoach” page (page 136)
not to be outdone, Timothy Tester raids Ginger’s page (Ginger’s Tum) on page 80.
I wonder if the raids continued in the annuals until the changes made which was refered to in the original post, and whether the raids in future annuals were as obvious as these two were?

More from the vaults from 4:00 this afternoon/

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