- as in The Public Library of Multnomah County - MultCoLib familiarly - and oughtn't we all be familiar with our favorite library? - because this is the month I allow myself again to read.
And I will read:- The Color of Magic, by Terry Pratchett (followed by The Light Fantastic, Equal Rites, Wyrd Sisters, Small Gods . . . and we'll just have to see how much further I can make it through his ouevre this month)
- Out of Sheer Rage: Wrestling with D.H. Lawrence
- The Mourner's Dance
- The Body Speaks
- The Silent Traveller in Oxford
- Talking Hands
- Mummies of Urumchi
- A Needle in the Right Hand of God
- Girls of Riyadh
- Paris out of hand
Time's Magpie
- Language in Hand
- Visible Thought
- Suspensions of Perception
- Odd Perceptions
- Visible Cities: Vienna and Krakow
- Exploration of a Drowned Landscape
and interspersed with those
- a handful bound in buckram by George Sand (The Country Waif, The Haunted Pool, Countess of Rudolstadt, Indiana)
- and one by Pearl S. Buck (This Proud Heart)
- also Greenwillow by B.J. Chute which I read over and over when I was in high school and look forward to now with much fondness
- plus, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis - if it's not too wrenching a read and if I can bear wrenching . . .
- and They're a Weird Mob - about an Italian travelling in Australia
I don't know. Do you think that will do?
are going to come in on time ...
- yes, yes, Fritz, don't worry - I'm using "plunge" merely as a figure of speech. Never fear. I will be seen and functioning during this coming month - I might even make bread tomorrow!)
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